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A Guide to Pet-proofing Your Home

Pet-Proof Your Home with These 10 Tips | SafeWise

Pets are companions that spark joy and peace in one’s household. It can be delightful and heart-warming to watch your furry friends play and be cute in your home. Plus, your pets also connect family members together, making your home a loving and warm den.

However, owning pets entails taking care of them, ensuring their safety, and making your home conducive for them to sleep, eat, and play. Take note of these five tips to start pet-proofing your home.

Install a Pet-flap Door

A dog- or cat-flap allows your pets to safely get in your home when it gets too hot, cold, or wet outside. Your pets will easily go out to do their business and get back in without you opening the door for them. An entry for your pets also keeps them safe from hitting their heads when running back inside. You don’t want your furry friends to be injured.

Usually, pet-flap doors are placed on the front and the back doors. Positioning your pet entrance in these places lets your pet reach for their play or “potty” areas easier. Gated communities such as Metro Manila Hills in Rodriquez, Rizal have homes with doors strategically placed close to their lawn areas. If your home is built similarly, placing a pet-flap door close to the outdoor area lets your pet reach for their kennels or cages then back inside your house more efficiently.

Designate an Area for Them

While dogs can sleep outside in their kennels, smaller dogs and cats are safer indoors than outdoors. Designating an area for your pets to sleep and eat is also part of their potty training. Doing so familiarizes them with their daily routine and where they should stay.

Put a comfortable bed, a litter box or a poop and pee pad, a water bowl, and a few toys in your pet’s area. Keep it clean and disinfected to eliminate stains, unpleasant odors, clumps of fur, and potential growth of disease-causing bacteria.

Maintaining the cleanliness of your pet’s area also avoids complaints from your neighbors, especially if you live in a condominium unit. Most condo developments implement strict cleanliness and sanitation standards, so it is your responsibility as a pet owner to keep your pets and home clean.

Fence Off Certain Areas

Smaller dogs and cats run the risk of easily slipping through narrow areas such as the gaps between your furniture and appliances. Use dividers to fence off your pets and keep them from entering the kitchen, going up or down the stairs, or heading to the balcony area. The last thing you’d want is to see your pet stuck between gaps or jumping off high places and hurting themselves.

Use magnetic locks on your doors to keep them away from the bathroom to keep them from drinking from the toilet or drowning in it. It also prevents them from eating your cosmetics, hair and beauty products, and cleaning chemicals.

Keep Cabinetry Shut

For extra measure, use the same magnetic locks to keep your wardrobe and cabinets shut. Some pets are still able to open them and reach for items they might think are food. Securing your cabinetry ensures their safety and saves you the stress of cleaning up a huge mess or bringing your pets to the vet clinic.

Keep Valuables Out of Reach

Keep breakables, cosmetics, perfumes, skincare products, and electronic devices out of your pets’ reach by storing them in high places such as cupboards, shelves, and your medicine cabinet. Store electronics in drawers and closets so your pets won’t tug on the cords, causing the devices to fall on them.

Organize Your Cords

Pets love to play with almost anything in your home. While it is cute to watch your puppy and kitten wrestle with your cords and cables, the sight of a strangled pet wouldn’t be as cuddly and adorable. Organize your cords by bundling them together to keep them from tangling and occupying your floor. Mount them on your wall to safely secure them from getting pulled and tugged.

Keep extension cords in modern safety boxes to prevent electric shocks. Your pets will have more fun playing, and you will save yourself the trouble of worrying about them choking and getting electrocuted.

Keeping a pet in your home means you have to make your home a safe and happy place for them to play, live, eat, and sleep. Begin with these five tips to pet-proof your house or condo unit. Both you and your pet will live peacefully and comfortably.


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