Endophthalmitis; Causes and Treatment


Individuals experiencing symptoms such as loss of vision indicate some severe issues with the eye. The signs and symptoms may point to illness; hence, the individual needs to consult an eye specialist. The specialist will evaluate the severity of the condition and provide guidance regarding the treatment options. To find a verified and competent eye specialist check out oladoc.com.

What is Endophthalmitis?

Endophthalmitis refers to inflammation caused due to an infection inside the eye. The infection may be a side-effect of recent surgery or collision with a foreign object. The symptoms emerge quickly and the condition requires instant medical attention, or the patient may suffer immensely by loss of vision.

What Are the Different Types Endophthalmitis?

The two types of endophthalmitis are:

  • Exogenous Endophthalmitis: It occurs when the infection gets in the eye from an external source. It is the common type, caused by a cut from the surgery or eye a foreign object results the infection and inflammation.
  • Endogenous Endophthalmitis: The infection spreads from other parts of the body to the eye.

What Are the Known Causes of Endophthalmitis?

The condition is caused by:

  • Bacteria and Fungi cause the infection
  • A foreign object remains in the eye and causes infection
  • The surgical procedure is delayed for 24 hours
  • Use of damaged lens can cause inflammation
  • Individuals suffering from urinary tract infection have a higher chance of developing the condition
  • Excessive use of intravenous drugs
  • Individuals with a history of endoscopy

What Symptoms Correlate with the Condition?

The signs and symptoms of endophthalmitis emerge instantly after catching the infection. The common symptoms include:

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Severe eye pain after the surgery

  • The patient is unable to see and loses vision
  • The eyes become red
  • The patient observed swelling in the eyelid
  • The is a yellowish discharge from the eye.
  • Unable to look at a bright light

How is the Condition Diagnosed?

Medical History: The specialist will ask the patient to tell if he/she is in a habit of the use of drugs or diagnosed with other infections. Also, if the person has been through surgery recently.

Imaging Test: The test will help identify if there is a foreign object in the eye that may have resulted in the infection.

Vitreous Tap: It is a procedure in which the specialist inserts a tiny needle to take some fluid from the eyeball, to evaluate the kind of infection and the effective way to treat it.

What are the Effective Treatment Options Available for the Condition?

The treatment options include:

Use of Antibiotics: To treat the infection antibiotics are given to the patient.

Use of corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are used in severe cases to reduce the swelling

Vitrectomy: The surgical procedure removes debris from the eye. The surgery allows the specialist to use antibiotics through injection to observe instant betterment in the patient.

Who is at a Higher Risk of Developing the Condition?

  • Individuals with a compromised immune system.
  • The individuals who have weakened immunity are usually diabetic
  • The individuals using intravenous drugs
  • Dental procedures increase the chances of infection
  • Patients od renal disease

What Preventive Measures Decrease the Chances of Developing the Condition?

Individuals who have undergone surgical procedures should be vigilant and follow proper instructions. Others should use helmets and shields to avoid contact with foreign objects.

Who Can Provide Guidance Regarding the Condition?

The eye specialist in Islamabad can guide individuals observing the symptoms. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should consult a specialist to get a diagnosis. It is essential to instantly contact an eye specialist, to avoid further complications such as loss of vision.

3 thoughts on “Endophthalmitis; Causes and Treatment

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