Redirect 301: Why You Need It and How to Set It Up

Redirect 301: Why You Need It and How to Set It Up

Redirect is an automatic redirection from the old website address to the new one. Appropriate redirect setup enables a user to promote the website resource, as well as to keep the indexing in the search engine when the page address changes if it is necessary. The process is invisible to visitors, and the redirect will automatically transfer from the old web resource to the new one without slowing down the page load speed.

Redirect types:

  • Redirect 302 — for temporary redirection;
  • Redirect 301 — for permanent redirection.

After the redirect, the old address and URL will be irrelevant, and the server will give the relevant option for a browser request while keeping the previous content positions.

Website Optimization

The browser does not open links that do not have security protocol (SSL) installed. Google tags such sites as unreliable in order to protect the personal information that users enter: bank cards, addresses, and other information. It should be installed to switch from http to an enhanced version of https, which transfers information encrypted. All major websites in the world use the https protocol. After SSL, the redirect shall be configured.

Popular ways to configure it:

  • HTML and PHP;
  • CMS plugins;
  • through a provider;
  • special programs;
  • htaccess file for Apache server.

The most convenient and common way is the htaccess file. It is located in the web resource folder.

  • Go to “Domains” and then go to “Redirect”.
  • It is necessary to take a number of actions in the line: press “Type” and confirm “301 permanently”.
  • Go to the site domain and enter its address.
  • Save. To do this, click on “Add”.
  • After entering the code in the browser address bar, you must type the domain name and check what was transferred to the intended page.

If you cannot customize the code, please contact the technical support specialists.

Constellix offers network management services, which are described in greater detail at

Redirect is a reliable tool. It helps to optimize the website, but its permanent operation is required. It is configurable for both individual pages and for the entire website. Incorrect settings lead to site malfunctions and loss of positions. The creation of more complex redirects requires professional services.